Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm such a mom

I was looking through Facebook the other day and I was thinking to myself...."Why haven't I put more picture albums on here?" I used to add pictures all of the time, and now looking back, the last album I posted was from the Winter Classic. What's changed?? Oh, that's right...I became a mom.

At this point, I don't even think I know how to take pictures of anything else besides my son. I went out with my girlfriends from HS about a month ago...girls I hardly ever get to see...I walked away with one picture of the evening. I have about 5 pictures from this morning alone of my son. Was he doing anything special? Nope...just being super cute.

I could bore you all with album after album of Camden, but I'm not going to. No one would appreciate those pictures the way I do. Instead...those of you who chose to click my blog get to enjoy the pictures I add of him <3

I'm enjoying my last week and a half before I start back to work. The good news is that I only have to go back part time. I really couldn't imagine leaving my new best friend for the entire day, 5 days a week.

Last week we got to spend some quality time with Aunt Stephie and Uncle Howie in Downtown Annapolis. The weather was perfect, the company was excellent, and the ducks were super cute.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy 2 Months Baby Camden!!

Yesterday was Camden's 2 month birthday and his 2 month checkup! Nothing says "Happy Birthday" like 2 shots in the leg and a liquid vaccine. I was so sad in the morning because he was just so happy, he had no idea what he was in store for. Later on, at the doctor's, I got the..."How could you let them do this to me???" look.  :(   I was warned that he would be extra fussy and he might have a rough night's sleep. I would like to report that he was good with a little extra love yesterday and slept for a solid 10 hours. <3

Camden is now 12 lbs 3 ounces and 22 1/4". Which means he is gaining weight, but not much length.

He has also been practicing his fist pumping. Let's just hope he doesn't end up short and plump like his fellow fist pumper...

He has officially gotten big! How big? Soooo big. He is almost to the point where he is getting too big for his lamb swing, which is such a shame because he loves it. I had to put new batteries in it because it was dying. I swear it doesn't swing exactly like it should because he is a little too heavy.

Auntie Stephie and Uncle Howie come back next week from their 7 week vacation. They aren't going to even recognize him!! He can't wait to see you guys! :)