Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Things to do on a Rainy Day

The best way to describe today is...Yucky. Stuck indoors? Camden has a few ideas for you on how to pass the time and enjoy yourself.

Here is Camden's top 6 list of Things to do on a Rainy Day:

#6. Practice blowing kisses
      -You never know, maybe one of these days you'll be in a parade, or you'll have so many people around you who love you. Since you may not be able to physically kiss them all, you should practice blowing kisses. Camden will show you how:

#5. Read
      -Preferably fitness articles. Can't go outside for a jog? That's okay! Pick up a fitness magazine... because reading about fitness is almost as good as exercising! Right?

#4. Stare at yourself in the mirror
      -Why, you ask? Because no one loves you more than you. And while you're at it...give your reflection a kiss or two, good lookin'.

#3. Play in the tub with your clothes on
      -Spice it up a notch and play in a new place. Simple. As. That.

#2. Play peek-a-boo
      -What happens when you can't find anyone to play with you and staring at your reflection has gotten boring? (but honestly, why would it??) You play by yourself!

Finally - Camden's #1 thing to do on a rainy day:

      -Rainy, cloudy days can make just about anyone tired. Plus, you exhausted yourself from all of those fitness articles, you deserve it!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Big Changes

Big things are happening in the Floyd household. Camden got over his double ear infection and decided he was a man.
It all started with him sitting up in his he stands up and shakes the rail.

He has also grown out of his baby car seat so we had to upgrade....He doesn't seem to care. He probably wishes he still had those toys that hung from his baby carrier handle. Sorry buddy, no fun allowed.

Then he decided he was ready to crawl (video below), so we had to put the baby gate in. After only a few days of installation it's good to go....let's hope you do your job, baby gate.

He will clap when you say, "Clap", most of the time he will wave when you tell him to, "Say Hi", and he will also kiss on demand. We get a lot of smooches in this house :)

Oh, and did I mention he also looks adorable on demand?? He gets that from his mommy. Fact.

All of these new things have all occoured within the past couple of weeks. If he had a little bit better balance he would probably be walking by now. Eek! Slow down there tiger...what happened to my cuddly little nugget??


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mimi, and Poppy and Ear Infections...Oh My!

This past weekend we had a nice little visit from the in-laws. Too bad it happened to be on the weekend that Camden had his first fever and double ear infection.

Look at those tired eyes and that tired yawn. Poor little guy.
Although he was a sad and tired baby all weekend he still managed to have some fun. He taught Uncle Brandon how to share....
And he still managed to have a smile on his face even though he felt like poo-poo.

Even on his sickest day....he managed to make us ALL smile

We even ended up back at the doctors yesterday because I thought he was having an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin. Doc just thought it was eczema...but they had to change medications just in case. Good news is that his ears look good....but now we're all red and blotchy! 
And even though he may still be a little uncomfortable...he seems to be back to his normal self. No ear pain...just fun-loving, baby Camden.

Good morning, Camden. Glad you are feeling better!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

8 Months!

Wow! That might need to be the only thing I need to say. Today Camden is 8 months old. This means only 4 short months until he turns one and only 4 months until Steph and Howie's wedding.

Camden must have known it was a special day for him...he decided to sleep in (meaning I got to sleep in...thank you!) We had a nice little play date this morning followed by a doctor's appointment for his eczema.

Not so fun, but nothing a little topical ointment wont treat, at least we hope. We got to go to Safeway to fill the prescription, and boy was Camden a HAM! He was flirting with any lady that would make eye contact with him and he made sure to grab the attention of those ladies that didn't. Of course I am a little biased, but, what's not to love!

These past 8 months have been filled with doctor's appointments, sleepless nights, trial and error, and of course, Google. It's been an amazing adventure so far with such a cool dude. I think we have a keeper.

If you're curious to what has been going on with me (but who really is because this is supposed to be about Camden, right??) I started my new job. I am working as a Personal Trainer for Excellence in Fitness. It may be too soon to say but I'm pretty sure I'm in love with this job.

I've also started eating healthier. Since February 1st I've been eating what I call "clean". I've been eating fruit, veggies, protein and drinking water and black coffee. The first few days I'm pretty sure I was going through sugar withdrawal. I was used to having Splenda multiple times a day and putting Nutella on anything that it sounded appetizing on. Now, it's been a full 8 days and I feel full and great. I even made it through our Super Bowl party without being ridiculous. Pizza, wings, potato salad, buffalo chicken dip, and chicken salad sandwiches...not this guy...I ate my food before hand and I stuck with the veggies and humus.

As for the rest of my New Years Resolutions...I made it about 6 days in January without drinking. Whoopsie. So beer is my vice. Sue me :) AND I'm still working on that whole "technology" thing. Stupid 'Words with Friends' is not helping. One of these days I'll be able to quit cold turkey...but for now I'm still working on cutting back. One resolution I have mastered is smiling more. I've got an amazing husband, an awesome job, and a kickass son....what's not to smile about?