Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Things to do on a Rainy Day

The best way to describe today is...Yucky. Stuck indoors? Camden has a few ideas for you on how to pass the time and enjoy yourself.

Here is Camden's top 6 list of Things to do on a Rainy Day:

#6. Practice blowing kisses
      -You never know, maybe one of these days you'll be in a parade, or you'll have so many people around you who love you. Since you may not be able to physically kiss them all, you should practice blowing kisses. Camden will show you how:

#5. Read
      -Preferably fitness articles. Can't go outside for a jog? That's okay! Pick up a fitness magazine... because reading about fitness is almost as good as exercising! Right?

#4. Stare at yourself in the mirror
      -Why, you ask? Because no one loves you more than you. And while you're at it...give your reflection a kiss or two, good lookin'.

#3. Play in the tub with your clothes on
      -Spice it up a notch and play in a new place. Simple. As. That.

#2. Play peek-a-boo
      -What happens when you can't find anyone to play with you and staring at your reflection has gotten boring? (but honestly, why would it??) You play by yourself!

Finally - Camden's #1 thing to do on a rainy day:

      -Rainy, cloudy days can make just about anyone tired. Plus, you exhausted yourself from all of those fitness articles, you deserve it!

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